Silver Light, gouache, 6x8
Silver Light, gouache, 6x8
Butterfly Overlook, gouache, 6x8
Butterfly Overlook, gouache, 6x8
Bulito, gouache, 6x8 SOLD
Bulito, gouache, 6x8 SOLD
Sierraville, gouache, 6x8
Sierraville, gouache, 6x8
Spring Path, gouache, 6x8
Spring Path, gouache, 6x8
Lagoon Peace, Gouache, 6x8
Lagoon Peace, Gouache, 6x8
Bluff Evening, gouache, 6x8
Bluff Evening, gouache, 6x8
Snowshoe Light, gouache, 6x8, $150
Snowshoe Light, gouache, 6x8, $150
Bluff Path, gouache, 6x8
Bluff Path, gouache, 6x8
Foothills Path, gouache, 6x8
Foothills Path, gouache, 6x8
Fall, gouache, 8x6
Fall, gouache, 8x6
Mono Lake Sunrise, gouache, 6x8
Mono Lake Sunrise, gouache, 6x8
Mono Basin, gouache, 6x8
Mono Basin, gouache, 6x8
Parker Lake, gouache, 6x8
Parker Lake, gouache, 6x8
Foothills, gouache, 6x8, $150
Foothills, gouache, 6x8, $150
Walker Lake Trail, gouache, 6x8, $150
Walker Lake Trail, gouache, 6x8, $150
Road to Sierraville, gouache, 6x8
Road to Sierraville, gouache, 6x8
Wilcox Path, gouache, 6x8
Wilcox Path, gouache, 6x8
Break in the Clouds, gouache, 6x8
Break in the Clouds, gouache, 6x8
San Marcos Preserve, gouache, 6x8
San Marcos Preserve, gouache, 6x8
California Ranching, gouache, 6x8, $150
California Ranching, gouache, 6x8, $150
Corner Coffee, gouache, 8x6, $150
Corner Coffee, gouache, 8x6, $150
Creekside, gouache, 6x8
Creekside, gouache, 6x8
Miramar Beach, gouache, 6x8, $150
Miramar Beach, gouache, 6x8, $150
Ranch Path, gouache, 6x8
Ranch Path, gouache, 6x8
Silver Light, gouache, 6x8
Butterfly Overlook, gouache, 6x8
Bulito, gouache, 6x8 SOLD
Sierraville, gouache, 6x8
Spring Path, gouache, 6x8
Lagoon Peace, Gouache, 6x8
Bluff Evening, gouache, 6x8
Snowshoe Light, gouache, 6x8, $150
Bluff Path, gouache, 6x8
Foothills Path, gouache, 6x8
Fall, gouache, 8x6
Mono Lake Sunrise, gouache, 6x8
Mono Basin, gouache, 6x8
Parker Lake, gouache, 6x8
Foothills, gouache, 6x8, $150
Walker Lake Trail, gouache, 6x8, $150
Road to Sierraville, gouache, 6x8
Wilcox Path, gouache, 6x8
Break in the Clouds, gouache, 6x8
San Marcos Preserve, gouache, 6x8
California Ranching, gouache, 6x8, $150
Corner Coffee, gouache, 8x6, $150
Creekside, gouache, 6x8
Miramar Beach, gouache, 6x8, $150
Ranch Path, gouache, 6x8
Silver Light, gouache, 6x8
Butterfly Overlook, gouache, 6x8
Bulito, gouache, 6x8 SOLD
Sierraville, gouache, 6x8
Spring Path, gouache, 6x8
Lagoon Peace, Gouache, 6x8
Bluff Evening, gouache, 6x8
Snowshoe Light, gouache, 6x8, $150
Bluff Path, gouache, 6x8
Foothills Path, gouache, 6x8
Fall, gouache, 8x6
Mono Lake Sunrise, gouache, 6x8
Mono Basin, gouache, 6x8
Parker Lake, gouache, 6x8
Foothills, gouache, 6x8, $150
Walker Lake Trail, gouache, 6x8, $150
Road to Sierraville, gouache, 6x8
Wilcox Path, gouache, 6x8
Break in the Clouds, gouache, 6x8
San Marcos Preserve, gouache, 6x8
California Ranching, gouache, 6x8, $150
Corner Coffee, gouache, 8x6, $150
Creekside, gouache, 6x8
Miramar Beach, gouache, 6x8, $150
Ranch Path, gouache, 6x8
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